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Mark the Date:

FFC Convention

Hamburg, Akademie JAK,

23.-24. October 2024

Join our network of collaborators. Gain access to exclusive knowledge, events, and support. Get your early bird tickets now.
Sharon Lim
Fashion AI Hub 
Arne Stachmann
STA/ G media & content agency
Adriana Lehr
Chief Data Officer
Natasha Kanolik
Senior Modeller DNEG Animation 
Detlef Müller
Director Digital Creation  at adidas


The Futurity Fashion Collaborative is your gateway to an exclusive network of like-minded fashion visionaries. We are exploring solutions for the textile industry, focusing on technology and sustainability. 

By participating in one of our conventions, you can become part of the FFC Collaborative, which was created to foster

long-term exchange across different fashion brands and other industries.

Make a reservation to the next convention or one of our upcoming socials in a city near you,

and make sure follow our journey on social media.

2024 is the year to start a movement. If we haven't done it already, now is the time to shake things up! 


We offer a safe space for participants to interact. 

Joining the FFC Collaborative means you will not just gain access to a community and support; there will also be real takeaways and summaries of the results of each convention provided.

Additionally, you will be invited to exclusive online talks that are not open to the public.


Online Talks 

What will be the next digital trend,
and what can we learn from the past?

We want to delve into the business case of hype versus substantial developments. For example: Why limit the use of AI to design alone? Why can't I ask an AI to build a collection structure and compare price points?

And isn't it perhaps more useful to focus on building a solid pipeline instead of succombing to FOMO and following the next hype into another expensive rabbit hole?

Members Only


Step out of the office and meet inspiring people

We gather in a venue near you for an evening filled with shared experiences about digital fashion. Enjoy inspiring short online talks and light refreshments.

Meet like-minded individuals. Feel understood by peers who encounter the same challenges as you. Learn how to join our Futurity Fashion Collaborative and gain exclusive access to more talks and events.



and Social Media  

What are you working on?

We give a voice to those who are exploring new frontiers while working at the forefront of digital creation. Sharing the challenges we all face and finding inspiration in the solutions we discover.

We aim to look beyond fashion and broaden our horizons. 

Follow us on Social Media using the links below.
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